We book comedy club style shows for comedy nights at bars, clubs, hotels, casinos and theaters.  

Contact us today to see how we can help you. 

​​​If you're interested in adding the excitement and draw of live comedy to your venue or event, you've come to the right place! ​

We provide the highest quality and best value in live comedy entertainment, nationwide.

It's Comedy night!


Comedy Nights

​​Bars, clubs, hotels and casinos across the nation are using weekly comedy nights as a way to increase business. Adding comedy to your business offers big rewards with relatively low risk. There are many ways you can incorporate a comedy night into your business to improve your bottom line. Below are just a few examples.

In many cases, holding a weekly comedy night on the slowest night of the week has successfully turned that night into the busiest night of the week. When people are coming to a comedy show, they get there a little early to get a good seat and they start eating/drinking. They continue to eat/drink throughout the show and often stick around after the show because they aren't ready to head home just yet.

A bar in Colorado Springs was averaging 10 people during the hours of 8-10 p.m. on the night they chose for a comedy night. The first comedy night brought in close to 100 people. They have been doing a comedy night for almost 2 years now and the attendance for the comedy night ranges from about 70 on a slow night to their capacity of 120 on a busy night. 

While that strategy works well, some businesses have chosen to add a comedy night to a night that already does well. Holding a comedy show before another event such as a D.J. or a live band is a great way to get patrons in the door that wouldn't necessarily be there for the next event. Many of the people who came for the comedy show will stay for the next event. Even if everyone left, the bar will already be off to a great start!

That same bar in Colorado Springs now has a D.J. come in right after the comedy show. The D.J. starts spinning right as the last comic exits the stage, usually just after the standing ovation the headliner often receives. The benefits of this are two-fold. People from the comedy show stick around to enjoy the music and people coming in for the music find out about the show they just missed and make plans to catch the next show.

Even if there isn't another event planned, patrons often stick around and discuss the show over another drink or two. Most shows end at 10 p.m. which is too early to go home and too late to hit another place. Patrons aren't usually in a hurry to get their check and call it a night. 

Comedy shows bring in customers who may have never been to your establishment before and may not even know your business exists. Those new customers often come back for future visits. It's a great way to generate exposure for your business and make some money in the process.

Comedy Nights often become the talk of the town. Did you catch the show at Jake's on Friday night? It was hilarious! 

Word of mouth advertising like that is priceless. Let's get your town talking about your business! Contact us today!